Murrel fish in telugu

Murrel fish and murrel fish name and health benefits

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It is a freshwater fish; the blackfish is strong and smart. After coming out of the water, this fish does not die as quickly as other fish. The scientific name of this murrel fish that lives mostly in South Asia and Southeast Asia is Chennastreata. The Telangana state of our country has chosen it as their state fish. Now let’s learn about mureel fish in Marathi, murrel fish in Tamil, murrel fish price, and murrel fish in Telugu.
In Telugu, this fish is variously called korrameenu, korramatta, and Mattagudise.
Tamil: Viral meen, koravai (murrel fish in tamil)
Marathi: Maral, Daku z9 (murrel fish in Marathi)
English: snakehead fish
Murrel fish price: The cost of this fish may be from 300.Rs to 400.Rs

Existence of this fish 

This fish grows up to about a meter in length. Although found in different areas of India, these fish are mostly found in South China, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Southeast Asia. There are white type and black type in this fish, but a black type of fish has more demand in the market, and The cost of these is also two to three hundred rupees more when compared to the rest of the fish. This fish curry is better than other fish curries. Its body is dark brown in color with faint black stripes above its head.
These fish are mostly found in rivers, small pits in streams, ponds, and water in fields. These fish can live even when the water is shallow and muddy. Hence this fish is also known as Buradamattalu in Andhra Pradesh. They feed on small leaves, algae, frogs, and their young and fish.

A Source of Proteins 

These fish provide us with excellent nutrients. People suffering from heart disease can benefit from eating this fish, and It has been found that 18 to 20 percent of these fish contain protein. These proteins are also easily digestible. These proteins provide us with eight types of amino acids that we need in abundance. Especially sulfur-containing lysine, methionine, cysteine, and amino acids are available in abundance. Fat in these fish ranges from 0.2 percent to 20 percent depending on their age, but this fat is excellent, containing polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Omega 3 fatty acids

The Omega 3 fatty acids present in this fish are essential for the child’s growth, prevent heart diseases, and are also helpful for the brain development of the baby in the womb. And Doctors say that this will also reduce the risk of premature delivery. (Murrel fish in Tamil)

Beneficial vitamins

We also get plenty of vitamins A, B, E, D, and K through the fat of this fish. Micronutrients such as vitamin D and vitamin A are abundant in this fish. Thiamin, Riboflavin, and Niacin are abundant in this fish. More than the vitamin A found in greens, the vitamin A found in this murrel fish is readily available to our body; vitamin A contributes to good eyesight. Vitamin D is necessary for our body to absorb calcium from food. Thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin are needed to utilize energy in food. When we eat fresh fish, we also get vitamin C.

A resource of minerals

  • Marine fish is rich in iodine. If we are deficient in iodine, we get a disease called goiter.
  • Iodine is helpful for brain growth as Iodine deficiency also impairs mental maturity.
  • This fish contains iron, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, and fluorine in helpful form.
  • When we eat small fish with their spines, calcium, phosphorus, and iron are available to our body in large amounts; if they are eaten with the spines removed, they are not available.
  • We need fluoride for strong bones and teeth.
  • Hemoglobin is necessary for the development of blood, and iron contributes to it; iron we get in abundance in this fish.(Murrel fish price)

Every year on the day of Mrigasira Karte in our Telangana state, the Battina brothers distribute fish medicine for asthma in Hyderabad. Murrel baby fish is used in this medicine. So considering that this Murrel fish (Murrel fish in Telugu) has medicinal properties to cure asthma. The state government also supplies Murrel baby fish through the Department of Fisheries.

  • This baby fish (Murrel fish in Telugu) is distributed in water holes and canals.
  • Among the fish that grow in freshwater, this fish is said to be the most expensive fish after Pulasa fish in Andhra Pradesh.
  • Regarding the health benefits of fish, almost all fish offer similar health benefits.
  • You can read other fish-related articles on our blog to know the health benefits of different types of fish.
  • Disadvantages

  • Freshwater reared fish also have some disadvantages they are.
  • Food with some chemicals is also added to the fish in ponds to grow strong and healthy.
  • There is also a risk of fish becoming toxic when they ingest these chemicals.
  • It is essential to feed the fish with natural food instead of chemically treated foods.
  • So it is better to cook fish on high heat, and Experts say that when the fish is overheated, the poison in them breaks down and goes to the side.
  • So let’s ask our doctors about fish’s health benefits and harms in detail.


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