basa fish in telugu

Basa fish | Basa fish in Telugu/Marathi

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Basa fish | Basa fish in Telugu/Marathi

This Basa fish is like a catfish and belongs to the fungi family. These fish are native to the Mekong and Chao Phraya regions of mainland Southeast Asia. There is also a good demand for this fish in the international market. They are called this fish in North America and Australia, Swai and Bhokorti. But in Europe, they are sold under Fungasius or Panga. But in Asia, basa fish is called “Pacific dory”. In the United Kingdom, it is called “Vietnamese River Cobbler”, “River Cobbler”, and Basa. Now let’s know about basa fish in Telugu, Basa fish in Marathi, Basa fish in Bengali, and Basa fish images.

About Basa fish

The body of this Sheelan fish( In Marathi) is fat and heavy. Sheelan fish has a very stuffy nose and a white stripe on its muzzle. The head of the Basa fish is round and wider than long. The fish of this species can grow up to a maximum length of 130 cm.
This fish feed on plants and plankton. Basa fishes enter the rivers at the start of floods to lay their eggs, and by mid-June, these fries grow up to five centimetres in length.
Basa is very useful for those following a keto diet. This fish can be cooked as food with all kinds of flavours. The flesh of Basa is light pink in colour and very firm. The demand for this fish is high in restaurants due to its low cost and low odour. These fish are also suitable for rearing in rivers and freshwater also.
Basa fish in Telugu,
This fish is known in our Telugu by the following names.
“Banka Jella”, “Cholova Jella” “Pangaea”
In Marathi: This fish is called in Marathi as “sheelan” (Basa fish in Marathi)
In Bengali: This fish is called in Bengali as Pangas mach ( Basa fish in Bengali)

Benefits of Basa fish

We can say that this fish is the main source of proteins and nutrients required by humans. As these fish are also low in calories, we can say that this fish is the best option for those who want to lose weight and for those who want to eat a low-calorie diet.
One hundred grams of this fish contains the main nutrients mentioned below.
Calories: 158
Protein: 22.5 grams
Fat: 7 grams
Saturated fat: 2 grams
Cholesterol: 73 mg
Carbs: 0 grams
Sodium: 89 mg
In addition to these, these fish also contain Omega 3 fatty acids. These not only keep the heart healthy but also keep the blood pressure under control. And also improves our brain function.

1.Weight loss

This fish (basa fish in Telugu) is low in fats, and also it is low in calories. So this Basa is a good option for those who want to lose weight and consume fewer calories. Being high in protein and low in calories, this fish helps in reducing body fat also.


This fish contains high-quality proteins. This means that all such amino acids that our body needs are also abundant. For example, 100 grams of Basa meat contains thirteen grams of protein. Proteins are essential in Basa to repair the cells in our body and generate new cells. When new cells are born, tissues, muscles and the whole body are nourished, and children, pregnant women and young people need protein.


This Basa fish is animal food and does not contain carbohydrates. So basa fish is good food for those who want to lose weight. If this fish is taken as food, there will be no drowsiness and lethargy, so this fish can be taken as food for lunch. And may even be energetic throughout the day.

4.Better for Asthma patients

Doctors say this sheelan fish ( in Marathi) is healthy for asthma patients. A study on mice showed that those who consumed large amounts of this fish developed a bacterial community in the large intestine and also developed pulmonary inflammation. People living with Asthma should consult doctors and know how to use these fish (in Telugu name).

5.Basa fish is good for the brain.

These fish are good for our brain, and sheelan fish ( Basa fish in Marathi ) contains DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), Which improves brain health. We know that Omega 3 fatty acids are good for our health. But DHA directly helps the growth of nerve cells. DHA is an omega-3 fatty acid that helps the brain function normally and efficiently.
We can effectively increase memory and learning power when we use DHA as needed for a long time. We can choose these Basa as food to get the full benefits of DHA.

6.Blood pressure

sheelan fish ( in Marathi) is very low in sodium. One hundred grams of these fish contains 48 milligrams of sodium. So people suffering from high blood pressure should include these fish in their diet but consult their doctor about this matter.


  • The presence of Omega 3 fatty acids in these fish  significantly reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack.
  • Research done by medical experts has shown that people who are high in these omega-3 fatty acids live 2.2 years longer than those who are low in omega-3 fatty acids.
  • 8.Minerals

  • This Basa is rich in minerals like zinc and potassium.
  • Zinc and potassium are essential for improving the balance of electrolytes in the body for developing immunity and healing injured tissues.
  • Similarly, along with the health benefits of eating these Basa, there are also some disadvantages; let’s know about them in detail below.


            Eating these fish also carries risks that we must be very careful about.

  • Fish may also ingest some harmful chemicals while taking water or food.
  • Chemicals such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and mercury can build up in these fish bodies over time.
  • Medical Experts have found that high levels of these chemicals can harm your brain and nervous system.
  • So the water we raise these fish should be clean and free from chemicals and pollutants.
  • Moreover, fish farmers use different types of chemicals and drugs in the ponds to eliminate the microorganisms.(Basa fish in bengali)
  • Fishes like Basa take all these harmful chemicals into their bodies as food, so the fishes are prone to becoming poisoned.(Basa fish in Bengali)
  • Vibrio bacteria causing food poisoning was found in these fish exported to European countries like Germany and Poland.
  • It is better to clean these fish well and cook it in high heat. Experts are of the opinion that if we cook the fish in high heat, we can separate the poison from the fish.

 Basa fish Images

images ( Basa fish images)

basa fish images