seer fish in telugu

Seer fish and seer fish health benefits and names in different languages

Seer fish in Telugu and health benefits

This fish belongs to the Scombridae family. This family Scombridae also includes tuna and bonito fish. Seer fish is so smaller and leaner than tuna fish. But in terms of nutritional uses, they have all the same nutrients as any other fish. There are about 21 types of fish reachers found in these fishes. Seer fish are primarily found in the seas of temperate and tropical regions. And These fish mostly live in coastal areas. Seer fish can swim very fast, 5.5 meters per second. Now let’s know about seer fish in Telugu, seer fish in Marathi, seer fish in Tamil, and seer fish in Malayalam.

These fish have black vertical lines on their backs and mostly forked tails. These fish migrate to coastal areas and spawn in shallow areas. It has been found that seer fish lay 3 lakh to 15 lakh eggs. These fish are increasingly becoming food for seabirds, dolphins, and salmon. These found that fish meat is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
These fish are used in almost all countries worldwide. It is an oily fish, so we can cook with less oil. The meat of this fish spoils fast, so it is best to eat this sear fish the day it is caught. If you want to store these fish, you have to store them in a good refrigerator or ice box.

Seer fish in Telugu

We call these fish’ kanagarthalu’, “Kanangadath,” and “kannam gadthi” in Telugu.
Tamil : Vanjaram, naimeen,Nettaiyan,Cheela.
Malayalam: Neymeen, Ayokora, Aykura.
Marathi: Surmai, Visonu, Tuvar Anjari. (seer fish in marathi)
Hindi: Surmai, Visonu, Tuvar Anjari.
100 grams of this fish contains the following nutrients:
Calories 858 kJ (205 kcal)
Proteins 18. 60 grams
Calcium 12. milligrams
Iron 1. 63 milligrams
Magnesium 63. milligrams
Phosphorus 213. milligrams
Potassium 313. milligrams
Sodium 90.
milligrams Zinc 0.63 milligrams
Water 63.55 grams
Apart from these, vitamins A and D are also available in this fish.
Source USDA

Health benefits of these fish 

  • The proteins present in these fish are helpful for hair growth, nail growth, muscle development, and the proper functioning of hormones.
  • These proteins are vital for our fitness levels to improve. Per doctors, one gram of protein is required for every kilogram of a person’s weight.
  • Calcium is one of the nutrients we need, and Calcium helps keep our bones strong, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, and controls blood pressure. (Seer fish in Tamil)
  • But heavy or low Calcium can lead to kidney stones, so we need to consult our doctors to ensure we get enough Calcium.
  • The iron in these fish reduces anemia and ensures proper delivery of oxygen from the lungs to all body parts.
  •                  Men need 350 milligrams of magnesium and women need 300 milligrams of magnesium daily.
  • Magnesium can convert blood sugar into energy.
  • We must need magnesium for brain function, proper functioning of vitamin B6, and functioning of enzymes in the body We can get magnesium by eating these fish.
  • We can get potassium from these fish. Lack of potassium makes us feel more tired, and Even when we are sleepy, we feel lethargic.
  • A lack of potassium also causes muscle weakness. However, kidney patients should take potassium only according to the doctor’s advice.
  • We can also get zinc by eating these fish, And When we are deficient in zinc, our hair falls out.
  • Zinc deficiency also can cause dandruff and stunted growth in children. (Seer fish in Malayalam)
  • Zinc deficiency can lead to testosterone problems in men and reduced immunity—all these problems we can solve by eating sear fish.
  • Omega 3 fatty acids in seer fish remove the bad cholesterol in our blood and make the blood circulate smoothly in the blood vessels.
  • Thus heart-related diseases can prevent, and dementia can also be prevented


  • As these fish live primarily in coastal places, they feed on industrial waste and Mercury, which comes from rivers.
  • Mercury is most likely to enter the body through fish, and Mercury has a significant effect on our nervous system.